Veterans Wellness Program - Clinical Massage Therapy for Veterans
Veterans Wellness Program - Clinical Massage Therapy for Veterans

Wellness Starts With the Heart


MindfulBasics Community supports your efforts to live a healthier lifestyle with more clarity, peace, service, and connection.


Embrace Truth


Connect Love


Live Wellness


Give Empowerment

MindfulBasics Wellness Program (MBWP) - 375 Days Access - On Demand - Work on Your Own


MindfulBasics Wellness Program (MBWP) - Monthly Renewal - Q&A & Community

Enroll Here
MindfulBasics Membership offers coaching, programs, and courses for educational purposes only. MindfulBasics, Inc. is NOT a primary medical treatment facility and is NOT a substitute for appropriate medical care by a licensed medical doctor.

MindfulBasics, Inc. is a Christian-based wellness community established in 2010. Its flagship offering is MindfulBascis Membership, a community membership where members focus on working together through the MindfulBasics Wellness Program (MBWP).

MBWP is a wellness program aimed at people experiencing prediabetes. However, it is not a requirement that you have prediabetes to join or participate.

MBWP focuses on long-term physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being to support you in living a healthy lifestyle with more clarity, peace, service, and connection.


VISION: Connect a Community in Service to God's Love